February 20, 2011

Sunset Dinner Cruise

Sushi was on the menu for this osprey which I spotted perched on a channel marker in Sarasota Bay at sunset.  It picked and picked at its dinner for quite some time.  Being elevated, maybe it was showing off its prize to other birds passing by.  I like all the activity in this scene:  the osprey eating, another bird cruising by to the left, someone standing nearby taking in the sunset, people walking the Ringling Bridge, and the big boat in the bay --  all in the sun's golden aura.  


Michelle said...

Great capture and the light/colors are just perfect.

Mimi McMi said...

It's quite lovely. I love walking around there anytime of day, but sunset is magical. Thanks for sharing another beautiful photo.

Jack said...

It is almost in silhouette, but once one begins looking more carefully, things start coming out of the scene. Nice.