This neon green sign is iconic in Ft. Myers. It's been in the front yard of a private residence along McGregor Boulevard, a busy road through the city, since 1943 when George H. Gruesbeck, a devout 7th Day Adventist, put it there. A couple of years ago, though, the sign went dark. Apparently, the property was in foreclosure and the owner at the time couldn't pay the electric bill. Knowing how popular the sign is in the Ft. Myers community, the John E. & Aliese Price Foundation Inc. of Ft. Myers stepped up and made the necessary arrangements for a separate electric meter to be installed just for the sign -- and agreed to pay the electric bill in perpetuity. At the time, the story made national news. You can read about it in this USA Today article.

Before the sign was re-lit, it was refurbished and an extra bit of text honoring the man behind it was added. (When the sign was temporarily removed for refurbishing, I noticed its absence almost immediately and started asking around, "What happened to the God is Love sign?") I've wanted to photograph this sign for quite awhile. And, it was quite a challenge! Neon is difficult, isn't it?! Hope everyone in the blogosphere is enjoying a wonderful Christmas. Merry Christmas!