September 22, 2011

Still Over $3

SDP  9-22-11

I almost missed this month documenting my local gas station and its prices! As you can see, we're still way above $3/gallon, but (amazingly) this price is the lowest we've seen since I started my monthly documentation 7 months ago. To take a ride on the gas price roller coaster click here.


Jim Klenke said...

Dang, thats still high. I noticed yesterday gas was $3.19 here. Time to fill up!

Kathy said...

We're down to $3.43 but sometimes the price fluctuates daily.

Jack said...

It is higher up here. Last time I filled up it was just under $4.

Lois said...

It's at about $3.36 here.

Clueless in Boston said...

The Northeast is definitely more expensive than in Florida.