October 27, 2011


SDP  10-27-11
Entitled 'Sharing', this statue depicts two parents sharing a book with a little boy. It was commissioned in 2002 by the Selby Foundation and created by an artist named Bruno Lucchesi. It sits near the Selby Library in downtown, which is rather appropo. I wonder how this piece would look with an iPad or a Kindle instead of a book...


cieldequimper said...

It's lovely. Thank goodness for such serene moments (until they divorce, lol... oooooops sorry....)

Jim Klenke said...

and tonight the cardinals will share a win in game 6.

Leslie D. said...

That's funny about the Kindle - yes one day a book may be a distant memory (sigh)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a splendid sculpture and nicely photographed too.

Michelle said...

Great emotion in this statue.