October 7, 2011

Roadside Sighting

You never know what you'll see....


...alongside the road in Sarasota. For quite some time, I've seen this peacock on my drive to and from work. At last, I spotted it at a time when I could stop and stalk it for awhile. Believe it or not, its colors were even more vibrant in person.


Lorraine said...

Gorgeous color! And it just walks around the neighborhood? Amazing!

Kathy said...

That's what I call up close and personal! Handsome dude!

Kate said...

This beautiful (but noisy) bird looks so imperious!

Jim Klenke said...

It probably works the corner for tips.

Clueless in Boston said...

It is a very pretty bird. Are they aggressive, or does this one just look like he would peck at you if you got too close.