October 5, 2011

Heat Lightning

SDP  10-5-11
The other night, Mother Nature was putting on an impressive light show. No lightning bolts...just light flashing and glowing through a stack of cumulous clouds. We used to call this heat lightning when I was growing up in Michigan. Although it was an awesome sight, a swarm of mosquitoes (with a biting capacity which could rival a bull shark) prevented me from lingering. So, I stayed just long enough to nab a couple shots -- and endure at least a couple dozen mosquito bites. I wish we had heat lightning here more often (sans ferocious bugs).


Kathy said...

Thanks for perservering long enough to get us this gorgeous picture!

Lorraine said...

VERY COOL! Looks like a scene from a Steven Spielberg movie.

Lowell said...

Nicely done! We get this once-in-awhile also. I've never captured with a camera, though. Sorry about the mosquitoes. I hate 'em ... up in Minnesota, the mosquito is the state bird!

Michelle said...

Very, very nice....really.

Michelle said...

I LOVE This!!!