October 20, 2011

Rainbows and Dreams

SDP  10-20-11

It appears the Cal Ripken youth baseball field was at the end of this rainbow the other night. I wonder how many of the little boys on this field were daydreaming about hitting the game winning home run in the bottom of ninth in the World Series. I also wonder how many of them were be able to stay up late enough to watch Game 1 last night.


Lorraine said...

It's always a special treat to see a rainbow!

Halcyon said...

Beautiful! Did you get the pot of gold? ;)

Jack said...

There is a place on the Massachusetts-Connecticut border where I often see big rainbows. I wonder why that happens. You captured a nice one at a nice place. Hey, SRQ, I am a big boy and I could barely stay awake for the first game last night.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I did not watch the entire game but might have been able to stay awake, hehehe!

Gorgeous shot and you were at the right spot!


Jim Klenke said...

so far two great games in the world series, my cards have to win though.