October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

SDP  10-31-11
Gotta love the Headless Horseman on Halloween! Isn't this a terrific yard display? Can you imagine being a kid and approaching this house trick-or-tricking?! Have a safe and fun Halloween, and remember: Halloween is nothing to lose your head over. ((Boo-ooh-aaaah-aaaah))


Leslie D. said...

Love it. But somebody's been slipping that horse a few too many Hershey bars.

cieldequimper said...

This is great fun!
Happy all Hallow's Eve.

Lorraine said...

I gotta admit, that is the coolest inflatable I've ever seen. My brother has the headless horseman tattooed on his arm, the graveyard and all. My mom was an interpreter/guide at the Hudson Valley restorations, including the old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow where Washington Irving is buried.

Halcyon said...

That's a bit scary! Guess it will keep some of the kids away tonight. :)