As I write this post, I have visions of fellow City Daily Photo bloggers submitting pictures of every kind of mouth watering epicurean delight imaginable. And, then, there's SDP with...
bananas. It very well could be one of the most boring (and unappetizing) submissions for this month's theme day. But, bananas are big news to me!
((drum roll)) After 10+ years, I believe I've successfully re-introduced bananas into my diet! Many years ago, I started experiencing food sensitivities to the point where my diet became very limited. As I eliminated processed sugar, dairy, gluten, preservatives (you name it), I started eating more and more fruit. Healthy, right? Not for me. I began reacting to the fructose. A few years ago, I successfully re-introduced blueberries and blackberries (fruits with the lowest amounts of natural sugar), which was very exciting. Recently, I randomly ate a banana....and survived -- without a hint of a reaction! I'm pacing myself but I'm confident enough to say, 'The bananas are back, baby!'
There's an art to photographing food which I have not mastered (or even started to develop), so this theme day was a challenge! To see more interpretations from the CDP community
click here.