September 17, 2010

Going Up

I drive down the same street every weekday and recently noticed this plant growing up a power line a few blocks north of downtown.   I'm not sure what species it is, but it's making the climb quite rapidly.  Do you think the utility company will remove it?   That will give me something to ponder (other than the news du jour) while I'm stuck in traffic.


Kathy said...

Oh, I'm sure they will! They don't like having to cut it from around the wires. I had a cat's claw vine on a power pole on my property that they have been trimming back for over 20 years and finally last year they put their foot down, amidst all my huffing and puffing and a few tears mixed in, and cut the thing all the way to the ground. It took them five hours to do, three power saw blades. Of course by this time the plant had a diameter of over six feet at the base! When I first looked at your photo, my first thought was Jack and the Beanstalk!

Life Is A Road Trip said...

They better! They are taking out my poor pygmy palms because they have grown too close to the box in the yard. I am not happy about it. :-(

Be careful there is no giant Fe-Fi-Fo-Fumbing around there!

tinyskillet said...

You'll have to keep us posted on that!

We would take our dog for a walk and noticed a leaf coming out of the top of the street sign, some plant managed to grow all th way up the center of the post that held the sign. Now if I were to plant it, it wouldn't of made it long at all.

Leslie D. said...

That's how the beanstalk looked to Jack before he climbed to the top.

James Mark said...

An awful pun for those of you reading fairy stories to children or grandchildren: "What do Jack and the beanstalk about?"

Unknown said...

This is so cool! Shame it's dead now but I guess it was inevitable...