November 5, 2012

'Tis the Season...?

SDP  11-5-12
The SDP Editor-in-Chief made an executive decision to halt the North Carolina fall photos for...Christmas!  I was rather surprised to hear Christmas music playing in Best Buy yesterday.  Then, I saw this: a lit Christmas tree atop a strip mall in Sarasota -- on November 4th.  My neighbor also put up Christmas lights over the weekend and had them lit last night.  This might be the earliest Christmas ever.  I love Christmas.  But, come on...let's enjoy Thanksgiving first.


Stefan Jansson said...

Six weeks to early give or take.

Unknown said...

Makes me MENTAL when they rush Christmas!

Lois said...

That's a little ridiculous.

Jack said...

Ordinarily I would be completely with you, but the economy is so tough that I am more understanding of merchants pushing anything that they can sell. But, your neighbors decorating for Christmas already? That is a bit much.

Michelle said...

I am a one holiday at a time kind of person. Too early for Christmas!!