May 11, 2011

Seaside Flowers

SDP  5-12-11
This is how I found these flowers the other evening along Sarasota Bay near Ken Thompson Park. I don't know who put them here...or why...or, for that matter, what kind of flowers they are (although they look like a small variation of a sunflower), but the solitary, colorful scene captured my attention.


Clueless in Boston said...

It looks sad when flowers are left behind like that.

Virginia said...

Beautifully composed. I wonder why they were left there too.

Michelle said...

This does looks sad.

cieldequimper said...

I'm hoping someone forgot them rather than someone drowned there...

Lois said...

They do look a little sad, but that is a beautiful picture.

James Mark said...
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James Mark said...

Yes, this one gets you wondering. The three elements, stark concrete, choppy waves and lonesome flowers create a poignant scene. I can feel a novel coming on - I wish.