May 26, 2011

Black-Necked Stilt

SDP  5-26-11
These guys are so unusual looking...they're fascinating. Between those ridiculously long skinny legs and outlandishly long beak, the black-necked stilt seems like it belongs on Misfit Island rather than in the celery fields. This is the kind of bird I saw harassing several big sandhill cranes recently. With those legs and that beak, they must think they're much larger than they are. Either that or they have unresolved anger issues.


Ernie said...

Nice Find!

Dina said...

Cute shot. Looks like he's creeping around.

Steven said...

They look like lawn ornaments!

James Mark said...

Great - this is a first time sighting for me. Don't have much time for posting or commenting at the moment, but couldn't pass your bird without a word.