I'm not one to pay close attention to gas prices regularly, but who isn't nowadays? Prices here have jumped about 30 cents in the past few weeks, including one day when they spiked 10 cents between breakfast and lunch. What are prices like where you live?
Yowza! Yesterday the price for regular here in PA was $3.49. I shop at a supermarket that gets you 10 cents off every gallon (up to 20 gallons) for every $50.00 you spend. Yesterday I had accumulated a 40 cent discount, so my gas was only (only, ha!) $3.09 a gallon. My hhubby is happy to have his new Honda CRZ hybrid. It gets about 37mpg. My Mazda gets about 28mpg and I work 1/2 mile from home so I can go a while on a full tank. :)
still a third the price it is in Europe.
whew, not quite that high here yet.
All I can offer is when Publix runs their ads, look for the Amx gift cards or gas station gift card coupons save $10.00 on a $50.00 card. Any type of discount helps me at the pump.
Not quite that high here, but getting close.
I saw $3.83 for regular here this morning. And gas is usually a bit cheaper in Texas. I'm riding my bike to work tomorrow...
About the same here and it's ridiculous!
Ah, yes, and unfortunately my SUV prefers premium . . .
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