November 3, 2010

Jack No More

Well, the Jack and the beanstalk scene is gone.  **poof**  This is is all that's left to the vine that was rapidly climbing up a utility line near downtown.  When I posted this picture almost seven weeks ago, there was speculation as to whether the utility company would ensure the vine met its demise.  I'm not sure what happened, but it's dead, dead, dead.

On a separate note regarding yesterday's post about election day:  I met a small business owner from the Ukraine yesterday who recently became an American citizen.  This was his first time voting in a national election here.  To say he was fired up would be an understatement.  His enthusiasm and perspective were terrific.


Jocie Z ROCK said...

i love your story about your Ukrainian friend.. and PS that vine death is a little creepy..sheesh! LOL

Leslie D. said...

Love the enthusiasm of the new American. Wish we could inject some of that in the general populace. As for the vine, it looks like it reached a live wire and ZZZZt end of vine! PS yes got my Theme Photo in just under the wire. Almost forgot I had that Greyhound station photo.

James Mark said...

Poor old Jack will be lonely; what will he do without beans talk?

B SQUARED said...

It would be nice if that enthusiasm spread to the population as a whole.

Lois said...

I hope he keeps that enthusiasm!

T. Becque said...

Good perspective on that vine, and I like your spin on it too :)

Jack said...

Jack No More? This is one of the saddest things I have read in a long time.