November 13, 2010


Meet Imhotep!  Since he's a basenji like my Mulligan, I had to say hello when I saw him at Bird Key Park.  Like any good basenji, he was typically cat-like and aloof, more interested in sniffing the wind and grass and scanning the horizon than anything else.  Basenjis are curious barkless hounds from Africa.  So, his owner told me, he's named Imhotep, after the first architect of pyramids.  I don't know about buildings, but basenjis are always designing a plan.   They're so playful....they can design and hatch a plot before you realize what's happened.  Usually the plot has something to do with gleefully shredding paper --- a favorite basenji past time. (Strange but true.) Hmmm...I wonder what Imhotep was contemplating when I snapped this shot.


biebkriebels said...

He seems to be a friendly and intelligent dog, indeed what is he thinking of, a new pyramid?

Lorraine said...

Love that white stripe up his nose! What a beautiful coat. Interesting facts about the breed. I learn so much from your blog! :D

James Mark said...

Fascinating! I don't know this breed of dog at all, so thanks for the info.

Leslie D. said...

Sweet and fascinating! Also really loved your parade photo. Captures so much of the spirit of the moment. No your posts are not predictable! But I have become familiar with your respectful tributes to vets over the past months. I share the same. Both our dads were in the Korean war