January 2, 2011


This is my kind of welcome!  This is New Pass in Sarasota, which leads to the Gulf of Mexico.  The welcoming committee include a heron (real) and an owl (not so real).


Jack said...

That is a nice one, SRQ. "Grill and bait?" I hope the cook doesn't get confused.

tinyskillet said...

Great Shot! I've seen this many times, but you captured it nicely. I love that place!

Kathy said...

Now were I to have guessed I would have said the heron was a plant. He looks a little goofy sitting there so he blends right in with the sign. Jack obviously doesn't know that in the South the sale of bait is a typical accompaniement to many of our finest establishments!

Ernie said...

Sign says they're open 365 days a year, but never when I'm around. I think I've eaten there once. Now the Salty Dog, they have a much better track record. :)

Sometimes at joints like this, the bait is indistinguishable from the main course. That's why you leave the sushi to mainland restaurants.

kat said...

Glad you specified which was real and which wasn't! Reminds me of the real life models that practice standing perfectly still so as to look fake. You know - the ones you see in the mall sometimes doing their store displays... are they real... or aren't they...? haha