June 12, 2012

Round and Round

SDP 6-12-12
Sarasota is on its way to becoming a roundabout city.   This is the second one constructed in downtown within the past couple of years.  It recently opened at Ringling Blvd. and Pineapple Ave.  -- and no one seems to be having any problems negotiating it.  Another roundabout will open just one block away later this week.   And, plans are in the works to construct two large roundabouts on U.S. 41 over the next few years.  So far so good!


Ernie said...

I drove down that stretch of Honore with all the roundabouts the other day. I'm just not a fan... :(

Anonymous said...

Personaly, I feel they are certainly needed. Sure beats to keep moving rather than to be sitting at a light, burning up our natural resources. Never seizes to amazing me, at all the cars issting idle for a half hour in a McDonalds drive-thru with an empty parking lot. "More roundabouts!"

Michelle said...

I have been running into these in my travels. They are becoming more and more common I think.

Jack said...

On Route 41??? That is a mind blower!

Lorraine said...

There's one in a nearby city here and I drive 2 blocks out of my way to avoid it. They're planning a roundabout in my small town to help alleviate traffic but I'm sure it won't be as nice as the one in your photo.

Jim Klenke said...

I know I would get stuck in the middle of one of those and not be able to get out of it.