November 5, 2011

Bikin' Tube Dude

SDP  11-5-11

Look! Up in the air! It's Bikin' Tube Dude! I showed you photos of Tube Dudes when they first started popping up around Sarasota. Well, the concept has really taken off. (Click here to read about the founder who went from building yachts to creating Tube Dudes.)  I spotted these colorful ones high over the Sarasota BMX course recently.  In September, the company received a $100,000 economic incentive grant from Sarasota County with the stipulation it has to create 44 new jobs (although, I don't know over what period of time).  Who might see Tube Dudes in your area some day.


cieldequimper said...

You never know but I doubt it very much! These are such fun!

Lowell said...

Very funny but I like. I don't think we have any in Ocala as yet!

Jack said...

I like the artwork, but 44 new jobs from this? Hmmm. The operator seems to be a good salesman. The governor of Connecticut just promised to ship $700 million to a Maine company that promises to create some biotech jobs in Connecticut over the next 20 years. The scam seems to be to do your hiring far enough in the future that maybe the populace will forget, but get your dough up front,

Leslie D. said...

Love that! I remember the original tube guy photo from awhile ago.

Unknown said...

I love these - they're so fun!